1. Eat chocolate for breakfast.
2. Put lots of chocolate, cream, hazelnut and whatever else in your morning coffee.No steak or potato chips. Tastes too crunchy. Stir.
3. Drink the whole pot.
4. Commence being productive somehow.
5. Walk. It's good for you and easy and gets endorphins going. I like walking my dog, Ginger.
6. Watch a lot of tv. Listen to a lot of music.
7. Take anti-depressants like Effexor. Hard as heroin to get off of, so might as well stay on! (update: as of Jan 2012, I've quit it. Screw the pharmeceutical companies. Screw the detox and screw the price of doctor visits, pills, etc. not to mention my diminished eyesight and weight gain as a DIRECT result of this nonsense. I'd rather be just me now, thank you very much. Withdrawls suck right now but I'm determined to do it. )
8. Drink a bit when you can. But not every night. That's not cool.
9. Don't chase dirt. It always comes back in some form. If it's really obnoxious, tidy up. Otherwise, throw stuff in closets or under beds.
10. Watch as much comedy as possible. Even dumb stuff like Adam Sandler movies will cure what ails you.
11. Use compound W on brown spots on face. It gets rid of them. No dermatologist.
12. Use salt or sugar on face. Exfoliates and is cheap.
13. Pet animals a lot. Lowers blood pressure.
14. Avoid hard drugs at all cost. The illegal kind.
15. Buy vintage. It's "green" and totally cheap. Also, chock full of designer labels.
16. Garbage pick when possible. Treasure troves are out there on the curb. Wear disguise when schlumping crap into car so no one knows it's you.
17. Sing and pretend you're a good singer. That doesn't last long.
18. Bake. It's fun and I usually get to eat it all.
19. DO NOT DIET. It kills your soul and kills your passion.
20. If stuff breaks, who cares? You can't take it to the afterlife when you're dead.
21. Do a nice gesture for someone else. Narcissism is necessary to a point, but giving to a sad person makes you feel good. And it's spreading kindness.
22. Get angry. It beats the hell out of depression. Plus it mobilizes you to actually DO something.
23. Pray. It can't hurt. Just in case someone is listening.
24. Play. Eat. Sleep. Give. Love. Bathe. Work. Pray. Laugh. Be.
25. Don't feel guilty. Do your best, and let it go.
26. Listen to others. They can help you if you truly focus on what they are saying. Be silent and the answers will come.
27. Vindictive thoughts are ok. Just don't act on them.
28. Act like a fool. Being silly is very underrated.
29. Buy American. Or vintage. Or salvation army. China's vast resources won't get any bigger if you do that.
30. Always wash your hands after shopping. Germs abound on grocery carts and railings. Just sayin.
31. Give and donate. Even if it's a little. It is good and gives sunshine back into your soul.
32. Respect your parents even if they are not perfect. Nobody is. So respect them.
33. On the other hand, dump toxic people who treat you like shit.
34. Smile at a stranger. Someone did this to me down south and it literally cracked my consciousness...for the day. It was so genuine. It was odd. But I liked it. I smiled back.
35. Don't follow all these tips. I'm just an older gal who is having fun.