Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there!! I'm thinking of my Mom today. She passed away in 2009 and I loved her like crazy!! She and I would go thrift store shopping, lunching at Marshall Fields or Nordstrom, walk around the mall with our chocolate truffle and chocolate on our faces, make fun of people, (they couldn't hear!), go for walks in the neighborhood, and talk about everything. And this is when I was a grown up. As a child, well, she was the Mary Tyler Moore of the neighborhood. Everyone loved her and wanted her to be their Mom. She played Scott Joplin with a rip roarin gusto, played Chopin, Bach, Beatles, and Mozart. She was a ballerina on stage, and always kept her graceful physique. She painted, played guitar, made life like zombies, baked killer brownies and chocolate chip cookies.......

Most of all, I could talk to her and she would listen. And she always made me feel better. It's astounding how much I miss her on a daily basis. Many people told me I would be better and move on, etc. I'm ok, but that loss is part of me that I will always carry. Her face would light up when she saw me. And so would mine. She was a helluva dame and I miss the hell out of her. Love ya Andy!!